#4: ✨ 🏷️ 🎭 πŸ€–

✨ App Router Template, 🏷️ Stable Release, 🎭 Drama Updates, πŸ€– Vercel AI Project

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October 17, 2023 Β  | Β Β 


✨ App Router Template

Create T3 App: App Router

🏷️ Stable Release


🎭 Drama Updates

Drama Updates

  • Just had a talk with about the whole Vercel thing:
    • The employee at the origin of the issue was terminated (they contacted Vercel by themselves, thus why they didn't have to get more info)
    • He'll have a chat with to clarify everything
    • They are revisiting their template marketplace approach
    • His DMs are open if you want to reach out
  • No customer data were used to pick what template to release.

πŸ€– Vercel AI Project
